Thursday, October 24, 2024
Lead Management - Overview
Lead Management Systems - Features
Event Management - Capture
Lead Management - Rank & Assignment
Lead Management - Close Lead
Lead Management System Flow Chart
Lead Management - Marketing Studies
TactiCom - Company Overview
Lead Management Systems - Partial Client Listing
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USA: 800 501 4674
+1 508 393 9955

Lead Management Systems - Features  

Custom Configuration:
  • Lead Management Systems configured and optimized to your business model
  • Systems functions according to your Lead/Sales process
  • Over 400 modules from lead assignment to follow up automated personalized e-mail messages
  • Automatic, complex lead analysis possible
  • Multiple lead assignment, distribution & notification systems (Web, E-Mail, Text, Smart Phone Apps & more)
  • Interfaces with other CRM, legacy data sources and existing systems
  • Enables Business intelligence and "Big Picture" from detailed reports
  • Multiple agents, departments, agencies, channels, continents ...
  • Closed loop - Current pipeline status always available
  • Intuitive, easy to use, no additional "burden" to personnel / reps.
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Expandable & Scalable = Grows with your business
Server based network application:
  • Secure, globally accessible, centralized systems
  • Standard open SQL data sources
  • Large databases possible with high lead process volumes
  • Open data sources permit access to external databases, applications and analysis tools

Scalable & Expandable:
  • Scalable from multi-agent to multi-channel, enterprise level solutions
  • Multiple lead / contact data sources and interfaces
    • Desktop and enterprise CRM interfaces
    • Trade show data, badge scanners, registrations
    • Social media
    • Telemarketing
    • Web inquiries
    • Many more available

Turn-key Application Services:
  • Local deployment in your IT environment and remote support services available
  • Cloud deployment, hosting and support services available
  • Application hosting through TactiCom's application services group
    • The most cost effective solution
    • Turn-key, fast deployment
    • Proven platforms with monitoring services and 24x7 support
    • Server clustering available for performance and redundancy
    • Internet / Intranet interfaces eliminate application distribution and client maintenance issues

TactiCom, © 2024

Lead Management Systems By TactiCom, Inc.
Contact TactiCom   •   © Copyright 1995 - 2024   •   USA: 800 501-4674