Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Lead Management - Overview
Lead Management - User Profile
Event Management - Capture
Lead Management - Rank & Assignment
Lead Management - Close Lead
Lead Management System Flow Chart
Lead Management - Marketing Studies
TactiCom - Company Overview
Lead Management Systems - Capture
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Lead Management Systems - Partial Client Listing  

We have consulted on and developed hundreds of LMS and CRM systems, across multiple industries including high tech, communications, seminars/events, marketing, financial, government, manufacturing and medical. Most of our clients consider their TactiCom Lead Management System strategic to their business and we are under a strict confidentiality agreement (NDA). All of our systems have exponentially increased our clients lead closure rates. Our clients range from small, localized companies, to large multinationals. Call us or send us an e-mail so we can discuss your requirements.
Intel Network Systems
Intel Network Systems - TactiCom Lead Management System
TactiCom developed Intel Networking Systems Lead Management and routing system. The system captures, evaluates and assigns over 100,000 leads to four sales channels with over 7,500 individual agents.
  • The system includes multiple lead interfaces, including Ms Office, (excel), csv, database, xml and web.
  • The system interfaces with internal CRM, product and other data sources.
  • Web users only need to enter their contact details once, as TactiCom's User Profiler stores user's contact information securely, recognizes and uses their stored profile on subsequent visits.
  • System loads and presents user with different web forms based on their geographic region, product area of interest and their organization type (End User, Government, Reseller etc.)
  • System automatically evaluates the lead using our analysis model specificaly developed for this system .
  • System assigns leads and notifies individual agent. Lead assignment based on several factors including product of interest, geographic location, purchase time-frame, organization type, funding, etc.
  • System tracks lead status as reported by the assigned agent.
  • System "closes the loop" by following up with request for user to complete an automated web based quality control survey to asses Intel response.

Apartmentstores Moving and Relocation
Apartmentstores Moving and Relocation is the internet’s top on-line lead broker for moving and transportation leads. Their on-line lead brokerage system uses TactiCom’s Lead Management System to allocate and distribute leads to moving, storage and auto transportation companies.
  • Administrators can specify client (moving companies) territories using several parameters. Territories can be complex (beyond just zip codes) with exclusions, origin and destination requirements and other logical elements.
  • The system automatically evaluates sales leads from web users:
    • QA function to validate e-mail and other data
    • System automatically assigns clients leads based on their territories and other factors.
    • System automatically sends notifications to all parties involved.
  • Administrators can generate detailed reports on all transactions.

American School of Aviation

American School of Aviation
The American School of Aviation is a highly recognized professional pilot flight training academy. The school has grown rapidly and has become the largest Aviation school in California. It receives a large volume of applications for admissions each year, the majority of which are from international students. The school uses TactiCom’s Lead Management System to automate and manage the complex admission process required for international aviation students.
  • Applicants can create an admission application account on-line using an intuitive web interface.
  • Applicants can complete the multiple forms required over multiple visits.
  • The applicant can upload scanned and regular documents and attach them to their application.
  • The applicant can pay fees securely on-line.
  • The system assigns an admission coordinator to each applicant.
  • Coordinators and administrators can track applications and generate detailed reports.
Contact TactiCom for more details and to discuss your requirements.

TactiCom, © 2024

Lead Management Systems By TactiCom, Inc.
Contact TactiCom   •   © Copyright 1995 - 2024   •   USA: 800 501-4674